I get asked all the time, “How do I do it? How do I travel alone with my girls for prolonged periods of time?”. Actually, I just returned from an amazing 6 week Asia and Dubai trip with my three minis Aisla (10), Soleil (8), and Luna (who is 5 but sometimes is still in her terrible 2’s). Yes, I’m alive and no I’m not ready to give up my kids for adoption or commit myself to a mental institution! In truth, I’m a little sad that I’m back home and not somewhere exploring this beautiful world!!
I’ve been traveling with my three crays since they were 3 months old. Traveling is my ultimate favorite thing to do. According to my husband, I do it right by traveling with my best friends aka my mini me’s.
The other day I overheard a lady saying, “I can’t wait until my kids are old enough to travel.” She had just gotten back from Greece, loved it, but missed her 3 year old twins. Of course I love couples only trips, but thought ummm... they are totally old enough to travel!! My friend immediately introduced us having known about my multiple travels with my girls. I began to tell her about my travels and how I do it and her response was, “that sounds difficult.” Truth be told it’s a good amount of work and planning but so worth it. Though I have had my share of “why now” moments, in the end I have never taken a trip with my girls that I regretted the “adventure”it took us to get there.
We have traveled all over Europe, Central America, the Caribbean and most recently Asia. Funny enough, my mother-in-law jokingly told my girls, “Your mom wants to show you the entire world before you go off to college!” Little does she know she’s actually right on point! Eventually my girls will grow up and there may come a time (teenage years be damned) when they may not want to travel with me, so, I’m not waiting for that time. There is no better time then the present because tomorrow may never come.
Although it’s not always super easy, it’s very doable and eventually they become seasoned travelers. With this Mini and Me Travel Blog I hope to give tips and to inspire other courageous moms to travel the world with their kids. Truth is they will only be this age once so might as well live it up, make it an adventure, and create memories that will last a lifetime.